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Thema: Kanada unter Trudeau

  1. #1
    Tod den Eliten Benutzerbild von Rikimer
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    Standard Kanada unter Trudeau

    Kanada unter den Liberalen, unter Trudeau:

    The Quebec government says it’s had enough of illegal immigration.

    Who can blame it? Last year, Canada received over 50,000 asylum applications – a record high.

    This year, it’s gotten even worse. The number of illegal crossings so far in 2018 is three times higher than the previous year.

    The RCMP confirmed on Friday that 6,373 people have crossed illegally into Canada this year, most along one street — Roxham Road — in rural Quebec. Contrary to Liberal talking points, the RCMP also confirmed that crossing the border between official points of entry is illegal.

    Not “irregular.” Illegal.

    It’s clear that the Trudeau Liberals don’t have a plan to combat this growing problem. Worse, they appear to be doing everything they can to undermine Canada’s immigration advantages.

    If turning a blind eye to illegal border crossings isn’t bad enough, the Trudeau government announced reckless changes to Canada’s national standards for immigration.

    Starting June 1, 2018, Canada will no longer reject immigrants based on existing health conditions. We will begin accepting sick immigrants who will immediately be a drain on our social welfare system.


    This Liberal government, however, has walked away from this consensus. And if that isn’t bad enough, they’ve admitted they don’t know how much these changes will cost taxpayers.

    A parliamentary committee studying the issue found that an analysis of the costs “simply didn’t exist or had significant gaps.”

    The report states that the Liberal government didn’t study the “cost increases that may result from repealing” this rule, “the actual costs related to administering the system,” “the costs associated under a repeal scenario,” “the economic impact,” or if repealing this rule “would result in an increase of applications with high medical and social service needs.”

    In other words, the Trudeau government has no clue how much this will cost Canadians, and they don’t care. They didn’t even bother doing the calculations.


    In the latest immigration report, Minister Ahmed Hussen told Canadians he was increasing our annual immigration intake to 310,000 people per year. He told us these increases were needed to boost the economy and bring in more workers to fund our social programs.

    But Canada increasingly selects and allows immigrants who are a net drain on our social services.

    How does welcoming immigrants with severe disabilities and health issues – not through our refugee program, which is charitable in nature, but through our economic immigration stream – help address Canada’s demographic issues?

    The Trudeau government is destroying our immigration program, once the envy of the Western world. And increasingly, it feels like they’re doing it on purpose
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    Wie Deutschland unter das Angela Merkel, wie unter Obama, Hillary & Co. für Amerika, so zerstören die Liberalen auch in Kanada, alles was sie in ihre Hände bekommen können. Hier die Zukunft Kanadas. Schade.
    „Noch sitzt Ihr da oben, Ihr feigen Gestalten. Vom Feinde bezahlt, doch dem Volke zum Spott! Doch einst wird wieder Gerechtigkeit walten, dann richtet das Volk, dann gnade Euch Gott!“
    (Theodor Körner 1791-1813)

  2. #2
    food for thought Benutzerbild von houndstooth
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    Vancouver, B.C. Canada

    Standard AW: Kommt nach Kanada!

    Zitat Zitat von Rikimer Beitrag anzeigen
    Kanada unter den Liberalen, unter Trudeau:

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    Wie Deutschland unter das Angela Merkel, wie unter Obama, Hillary & Co. für Amerika, so zerstören die Liberalen auch in Kanada, alles was sie in ihre Hände bekommen können. Hier die Zukunft Kanadas. Schade.
    Nicht mehr lange ...

  3. #3
    Tod den Eliten Benutzerbild von Rikimer
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    Standard AW: Kommt nach Kanada!

    Hoffentlich kommt Kanada zur Vernunft und wird Justin Trudeau und die Liberalen los, ist ja nicht mehr auszuhalten...

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    This cartoon was commissioned by a concerned Canadian and it’s also an important issue to us gun owners here in America. More new gun control laws that slowly turn up the heat on the legal firearm owner.

    Why? What is happening in Canada is already starting to happen in the USA. When it comes to gun ownership, big government continually pushes for more control by means of rules, regulations, fees, fines, red tape, paper work, bureaucracy and even outright confiscation. A good example of such statism at work is the Seattle City Council. They passed a bill that mandates ‘safe gun storage’ and civil penalties given to the non-compliant. People who fail to store their guns in a safe could face a $500 fine. How will they enforce such a law? That remains to be seen. Our Fourth Amendment can keep enforcers from barging in our homes and making random checks. Regardless, Americans need to push back hard against such power grabs. Our freedoms are being eroded slowly by means of the ‘boiling frog’ technique. I’ve noticed the water is getting warmer.

    It’s already hot in Canada. The liberal government of Trudeau has created a bill known as “C-71,” which is ostensibly designed to target illegal gun crime, but the bill itself does nothing to help apprehend criminals. Instead, the law will harass and discourage Canadians from owning firearms by means of red tape and statist bureaucracy. If the rules and regulations aren’t followed to a “T,” then confiscation could occur. Hunters are not criminals, but are increasingly treated as such.

    Too many Canadian gun owners remain unaware of this dangerous bill, or even the stack of current laws there designed to thwart gun ownership. I hope this cartoon will help wake a few people up. Not only in Canada, but here in America as well. We all need to speak out loudly against gun control laws. If we don’t, gun ownership will be made progressively more difficult.

    —*Ben Garrison

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    HIGH ALERT: Could Bill C-71 make YOU ineligible to renew your Firearm License?

    Ich hasse Justin Trudeau und die liberale Regierung. Was nur macht die kanadische Elite mi dem einst schönen Kanada? Es in ein weiteres zum scheitern verurteiltes sozialistisches Paradies (=Hölle auf Erden) verwandeln? Traurig. Kanada wird immer unattraktiver. Wenn man bald nicht einmal mehr Waffen legal besitzen darf.
    „Noch sitzt Ihr da oben, Ihr feigen Gestalten. Vom Feinde bezahlt, doch dem Volke zum Spott! Doch einst wird wieder Gerechtigkeit walten, dann richtet das Volk, dann gnade Euch Gott!“
    (Theodor Körner 1791-1813)

  4. #4
    Rufer in der Wüste Benutzerbild von Merkelraute
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    Standard AW: Kommt nach Kanada!

    Zitat Zitat von Rikimer Beitrag anzeigen
    Hoffentlich kommt Kanada zur Vernunft und wird Justin Trudeau und die Liberalen los, ist ja nicht mehr auszuhalten......
    Zitat Zitat von C-Dur Beitrag anzeigen
    Soeben fand ich beim Stoebern folgende Webseite....

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    Also, momentan ist mit Arbeit in Kanada nicht viel los, ausser im Norden Albertas in den Oilfeldern.
    Trudeau ist doch so links wie Merkel. Da würde ich lieber zu den Rednecks in die USA gehen, falls die einen Deutschen akzeptieren. Würde denen auch helfen, Merkel & Co. zu schaden.

  5. #5
    Kampf dem Kapital! Benutzerbild von Smultronstället II.
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    Standard AW: Kommt nach Kanada!

    Wegen dem Wetter-Strang ist mir diese Dokumentation des kanadischen Musikgenies Glenn Gould über "Die Idee des Nordes" eingefallen:

    Es gibt auch eine etwas "traditionellere" Dokumentation über "sein" Toronto von ihm:

    DAS ist das Kanada, das sich gerade abschafft bzw. abgeschafft hat.

    Es ist einfach so traurig, was da mit der "weißen" Welt passiert...

    ’TIS done—but yesterday a King!
    And arm’d with Kings to strive—
    And now thou art a nameless thing:
    So abject—yet alive!

    Rechte und Linke sind zwei Seiten der gleichen Medaille: männerfeindlich, frauenfeindlich, armenfeindlich, arbeiterfeindlich, umweltfeindlich, freiheitsfeindlich, sexualitätsfeindlich, kulturfeindlich, intellektuellen- und akademikerfeindlich = antideutsch.
    Daher: Nichtwähler.
    F*ck AFD.

  6. #6
    Tod den Eliten Benutzerbild von Rikimer
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    Standard AW: Kanada unter Trudeau

    Trudeaus Mohammeder ("Flüchtlinge") zerstören in ohnmächtiger Wut die Hotels, welche von Kanadiern bezahlt werden und in welchen sie hausen:

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    Im obigen Link sind die Dokumente, welche es belegen.

    Aber das hatte sich schon angekündigt:

    Members of a school choir were asked to sing a song to welcome 163 newly arrived refugees back in December. The song celebrates Muhammad’s arrival in Medina after he forced Christians to convert to Islam under threat of death.

    Justin Trudeau tweeted his approval of the song, despite the fact that it refers to a battle cited in the Koran, which calls on Muslims to fight and kill non-believers until they “pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.”

    The Jizya is a crippling tax on non-Muslims which is currently imposed on Christians in the Middle East by ISIS under threat of execution and taking their wives as sex slaves.

    In summary; the children were basically singing a song that celebrates the subjugation and “submission” of Christians to Islam after thousands of Muslims migrated and took over a large portion of territory.
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    In Alberta werden die ersten flüchtenden Muselmanen von ihren Glaubensbrüdern begrüsst. Dabei wird Trudeau gelobt und mit einer historischen Figur verglichen, welcher sein Volk damit verriet, indem er zum Islam übertrat. Man sang Lieder, welche zur Unterwerfung der Christen aufrufen und diese zur Zahlung einer Zwangssteuer an Muslime aufruft. Sowie zur Vernichtung aller Nichtmuslime. Und dies in Kanada, Alberta!

    Trudeau hat auf Twitter das Ganze gelobt. Möge Trudeau samt seiner Mohammederfreunde gen Hölle fahren.

    Glücklickerweise fällt die Maske und auxh ehemalige Fans von Justin Trudeau erkennen ihn als das, was er ist und wenden sich gegen ihn:

    WATCH: Trudeau heckled at Danforth Memorial | David Menzies

    Nach mehr als einer Woche Zeit reagiert Trudeau und legt eine billige Supermarktrose als Gedenken an den letzten Muselterroranschlag in Kanada nieder. Ansonsten, wenn es seine Mohammeder betrifft, ist er in Sekundenschnelle vor einer Kamera um seine Empörung kundzugeben. Aber auch bei der Niederlegung der Billigrose, bevor der Dauerurlauber wieder in den Urlaub fliegt, konnte er es nicht lassen seine narzistische, abstossende Ader kund zu machen, Kommentar eines Kanadiers:

    Justin Trudeau heckled out of Toronto by one of his former fans!
    „Noch sitzt Ihr da oben, Ihr feigen Gestalten. Vom Feinde bezahlt, doch dem Volke zum Spott! Doch einst wird wieder Gerechtigkeit walten, dann richtet das Volk, dann gnade Euch Gott!“
    (Theodor Körner 1791-1813)

  7. #7
    Mitglied Benutzerbild von Shahirrim
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    Standard AW: Kanada unter Trudeau

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    ....Dabei wird Trudeau gelobt und mit einer historischen Figur verglichen, welcher sein Volk damit verriet, indem er zum Islam übertrat....
    Weißt du, wer damit gemeint ist?

  8. #8
    Tod den Eliten Benutzerbild von Rikimer
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    Standard AW: Kanada unter Trudeau

    Zitat Zitat von Shahirrim Beitrag anzeigen
    Weißt du, wer damit gemeint ist?
    Steht in diesem Link hier:

    Muslim refugees arriving in Alberta, Canada were welcomed by a pro-ISIS hate preacher who called for the destruction of enemies of Islam and prayed for jihadists to “hit their targets”

    The speech took place during an event hosted by the Alberta Islamic Welfare Association to welcome Syrian refugees arriving in Canada.

    The speaker, Shaban Sherif Mady, has [Links nur für registrierte Nutzer], the very same goal shared by ISIS. He also called on Allah to “annihilate” anyone who opposed this plan...

    In another video, Mady likens Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to Ashama ibn-Abjar, a king who betrayed his own peopled before converting to Islam. Mady thanks Trudeau for “removing the suspicion that terrorism is related to Islam” (while simultaneously calling for terrorists to “hit their targets”).
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    Armah (reigned 614–631), known in some Muslim sources as Al-Najashi (Arabic: النجاشي‎), was a Christian king of the Kingdom of Aksum. He is primarily known through the coins that were minted during his reign.[1] However, it has been suggested as long ago as 1895 that he was identical to Ashama ibn-Abjar or Sahama, who gave shelter to the Muslim emigrants around 615–6 at Axum.
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    Canadian imam thanks Canadian PM Justin Trudeau for betrayal of Canada

    Najashi: The king who supported Muslim emigrants . Yes in 2017 we witnessed the second Najashi in Islamic history as Canadian Prime Minister JUSTIN TRUDEAU all Muslims around the world should thankful to him and pray for him."May Allâh reward him [with] goodness."
    Najashi: The king who supported Muslim emigrants 2017

    Hier ein andere, ähnlicher Fall:

    Welcome To Canada Syrian Refugees

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    „Noch sitzt Ihr da oben, Ihr feigen Gestalten. Vom Feinde bezahlt, doch dem Volke zum Spott! Doch einst wird wieder Gerechtigkeit walten, dann richtet das Volk, dann gnade Euch Gott!“
    (Theodor Körner 1791-1813)

  9. #9
    Registriert seit

    Standard AW: Kanada unter Trudeau

    Im Prinzip läuft die Geschichte in der westlichen Welt überall sehr ähnlich. Linke treiben den Wahnsinn weiter, Konservative trauen sich nicht, deren Irrsinn zurückzudrehen (Ansgt vor der linken Presse), sondern sorgen lediglich für Stagnation des Wahnsinns. Allerdings scheint ein Ende dieses Dramas in Sicht.

    Schlimm, dass es die Konservativen nicht geschafft haben, jetzt müssen härtere Geschütze aufgefahren werden.

  10. #10
    Tod den Eliten Benutzerbild von Rikimer
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    Standard AW: Kanada unter Trudeau

    Der Feminist und Heuchler Justin Trudeau wird an seine eigenen Standards gemessen und an seine Grapschereien der Vergangenheit erinnert:

    On the Prime Minister of Canada's official website, it is made clear that any form of sexual misconduct against women is "unacceptable";

    In televised statements, Justin Trudeau has stated that women who make such allegations should be supported and believed, and that the rules of appropriate conduct applied to him as well as to other politicians;
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    Da man nach dem Idioten Trudeau einer Frau uneingeschränkten Glauben schenken muss:

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    Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is under fire after claiming he has no recollection of a story alleging he inappropriately touched a journalist 18 years ago.

    Then-28-year-old Trudeau was accused in August 2000 of groping a young reporter at the*annual*Kokanee Summit*musical festival in*Creston,*British Columbia and reportedly only apologized*for the act after learning she worked a community newspaper the*Creston Valley Advance.

    Didn’t he learn through his vast experiences in public life, that groping a strange young woman isn’t in the handbook of proper etiquette, regardless of who she is, what her business is or where they are?”

    In an opinion*column*by CBC’s*Robyn Urback titled, “Trudeau has boxed himself in with his own zero-tolerance policy on sexual misconduct,” the Canadian prime minister is skewered for his response to the allegation.


    In the current climate, denying the claim is akin to saying, “She’s lying,” which is a taboo phrase for the leader of a government that has made believing women central to its approach to sexual misconduct allegations.

    If the allegation is true, on the other hand, Trudeau can’t simply explain, apologize and attempt to move on. It would look like he*afforded himself*leniency that he’d denied to members of his caucus who were accused of misconduct.
    So the prime minister is stuck: he can’t confirm or deny. As a result, his office opted for the most unsatisfactory of all possible responses, telling the National Post that Trudeau does not*recall any “negative interactions”*in Creston during that time. In other words, Canada’s highest-profile women’s rights advocate has been stricken by a convenient bout of amnesia.

    “Either Trudeau groped this woman and he needs to own up to it and live up to his own standard , or he didn’t and he should state that,” Bergen tweeted with a link to Urback’s column. “Saying he doesn’t remember doesn’t pass his own test.”
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    Nach seinen eigenen Worten ist sein Verhalten inakzeptabel. Und nun? Er kann sich nicht erinnern. Und hätte er gewusst, es wäre eine Reportererin, er hätte sich anders verhalten. Was nun? Was für ein Clown.
    „Noch sitzt Ihr da oben, Ihr feigen Gestalten. Vom Feinde bezahlt, doch dem Volke zum Spott! Doch einst wird wieder Gerechtigkeit walten, dann richtet das Volk, dann gnade Euch Gott!“
    (Theodor Körner 1791-1813)

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