Fakten Lage mit einer Albanischen Quelle, das dort ständig diese Leute durch geschleust werden, die viel Geld haben und nach Deutschland wollen.

Man will nach Deutschland, hat genügend Geld für Schleuser Banden, aber keinerlei Berufs Erfahrung. In Deutschland laufen die Migranten im Moment alle mit Handys herum, und die Polizei muss in deren Wohn Gegenden erhebliche Zivil Streifen einsetzen.

Juristisch gesehen, muss Deutschland diese Banden nach Italien, oder Griechenland zurück schicken, woher sie kommen.

More Syrian immigrants in Albanian borders
More Syrian immigrants in Albanian borders
The Gjirokaster Police arrested 80 other Syrian citizens who have entered illegally in Albania, with the plan to go to Montenegro.

All of them are in difficult physical and emotional conditions. Many of them are intellectuals and students, who say they want to go to Germany, to a calm country where they can build their future. For this reason, they are asking the Albanian police to not turn them to the border.

The Syrian clandestine say the war made them leave Syria and travel for three months through Liban, Turkey, Greece and Albania.

When asked how helps them with this trip, they say that their friends who were able to cross had shown them the best way to go through.

They say they do not to return to Greece, since there is no work or study opportunities for students who have left the studies in Syria.

They appeal all authorities for a more humane treatment to clandestine like him who are forced by war to enter Europe.

They say they had to pay 1000 dollars to travel from Syria to Turkey, and 1000 Euro from Turkey to Greece. From Greece to Albania they didn’t have to pay much, but they don’t want to turn back.

700 people have been caught by the police, while it is unknown how many others might have crossed the border.

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