Laut einem aktuellen Artikel im Weekly Standart soll die islamische Terrorgruppe Hisbollah, die vom Mullahregime im Iran seit Jahren unterstuetzt und finanziert wird, ca. 130.000 Raketen gegen Israel im Suedlibanon stationiert haben.

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Die Stationierung von 130.000 Raketen wuerde sogar die Raketenzahlen aller 27 NATO-Staaten uebertreffen:

Hezbollah currently has a stockpile of over 130,000 rockets, more than the combined arsenal of all NATO countries, with the exception of the United States. This number includes long-range rockets and M-600 ballistic missiles, which carry a high payload and would be able to “wipe out a good chunk of Times Square and maim and kill people four football fields away from the point of impact,” Stern noted. Hezbollah also has approximately 100,000 short-range rockets trained on schools, homes, and hospitals in northern Israel, which could potentially kill hundreds of civilians.

“You don’t collect 130,000 missiles if you don’t intend to use them,” said Matthew Levitt, an expert on counter-terrorism and intelligence at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

Hezbollah’s positioning of this weaponry in civilian areas poses a challenge to Israeli officers, added Geoff Corn, an international military law expert at the South Texas College of Law in Houston. “After exhausting all feasible efforts to reduce civilian risk, IDF commanders must resolve the decisive question: Is the potential for civilian harm excessive in comparison to the advantages the attack would provide? When you talk of an M-600 in the hands of an enemy that targets vital military assets or the civilian population—even if that apartment building is full—launching the attack will be necessary to mitigate the threat,” he explained.

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Ich spreche diese enorme Bedrohung des Staates Israel durch die Hisbollah jetzt an, weil mir darueber in den BRD-Luegenmedien zu wenig in den letzten Jahren berichtet worden ist.

Es muss auch der BRD und der EU klar gemacht werden, dass sich Israel gegen diese Bedrohung verteidigen darf. Auch sollte daran erinnert werden, dass gerade der Iran es ist, der diese islamische Terrorgruppe seit Jahren gegen Israel unterstuetzt.

Deshalb ist der Iran als islamischer Terrorstaat von der Weltgemeinschaft einzustufen.

Mich verwundert es, dass gerade die BRD und die EU vor diesem Hintergrund die Handelsbeziehungen mit dem Iran wieder intensivieren moechten ?

Die Hisbollah wird nach Erkenntnissen der israelischen Geheimdienstaufklaerung viele schiitische Doerfer des Libanons in Zukunft als menschliche Schutzschilde missbrauchen.

Ganze Raketenstellungen der Hisbollah wurden mitten in die Doerfer neben zivilen Einrichtungen und Wohnhaeusern hineingebaut:

Israel Says Hezbollah Positions Put Lebanese at Risk

TEL AVIV — Viewed from the air, Muhaybib looks like a typical southern Lebanese village — a cluster of about 90 houses and buildings punctuated by the minaret of a mosque and surrounded by fields.

But when the Israeli military trains its lens on that hilltop Shiite village close to the border, it sees nine arms depots, five rocket-launching sites, four infantry positions, signs of three underground tunnels, three antitank positions and, in the very center of the village, a Hezbollah command post.

As Israel prepares for what it sees as an almost inevitable next battle with Hezbollah, the Shiite Lebanese organization that fought a monthlong war against Israel in 2006, Israeli military officials and experts are warning that the group has done more than significantly build up its firepower since then.

Maps and aerial photography provided to The New York Times by Israeli military officials this week illustrate, they say, that Hezbollah has moved most of its military infrastructure into the Shiite villages of southern Lebanon and around their perimeters. Israel says this amounts to using the civilians as a human shield.

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