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Thema: Women in Art: Martha Rosler - Erschuetterung der Fundamente

  1. #1
    SchwanzusLongusGermanicus Benutzerbild von ABAS
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    Standard Women in Art: Martha Rosler - Erschuetterung der Fundamente

    Dieser Strang ist eine Homage an die grosse Kuenstlerin Martha Rosler.
    Martha Rosler ist in Brooklyn, New York geboren absolvierte einen B.A.
    Studiengang am Brooklyn College und erlangte den M.A. Abschluss an
    der University of California, San Diego.

    Sie arbeitet seit 1973 mit Video-, Foto- und Textinstallationen und kreiert
    kritische Performances. Ihre Werke beschaeftigen sich mit der Arbeit im
    im oeffentlichen Raum und haben ein breites Spektrum welches von
    Alltagsaspekten (Perspektive der Frauen) – bis hin zu Medien, Architektur,
    Urbanisierung, Umwelt, Film- und Medientheorie sowie Kulturstudien geht.
    Sie hat einen Lehrauftrag an der Mason Gross School of the Arts an der
    Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey.

    Women in Art: Martha Rosler

    Usually when I see an artist (particularly student artists) working with collage I can’t quite shake off the feeling that they’re being lazy. I’m sure this stems from far too many camp collaging experiences where we just smothered the covers of our journals with chopped up magazines and modge podge, and I also have the nagging feeling that it’s because many of my peers actually are being lazy (I’ve seen far too many half-baked collages thrown together hours before a critique). Collage always struck me as something that may turn out looking wonderful but often lacking in meaning and depth. Appropriating the work of others as the only means of expression in your artwork feels too similar to so many Tumblrs with collage acting as the art world’s reblogging feature.

    So when I see Martha Rosler’s work I’m always pleasantly surprised. It goes against all of my preconceived notions about collage (which I’m working on. Sorry to all of those out there who love collage, I’m sure your work is wonderful!). Her work has an emotional value that it might not have in any other medium. By using pre made images Rosler is manipulating the work of popular society into a form of social activism. For example, in her most well known series, Bringing the War Home: House Beautiful,*Rosler appropriates images found in homemaking women’s magazines of the period and juxtaposes them with violent imagery from the Vietnam war.

    We see happy American families enjoying suburban bliss as bloodshed and chaos occur in the background or foreground. Even as violence occurs directly in front of the subject they smile with happy naivety.

    nterestingly, Rosler has reprised this body of work, applying the same method of juxtaposition to images from current American women and lifestyle magazines and the war in Iraq. Some critics feel that this shows a lack of imagination and innovation on Rosler’s part, but others (including myself) find it interesting that Rosler is examining today’s events and today’s media imagery with the same eye as in the late 60′s and early 7o’s. The similarities between the two series of images is uncanny. The two bodies of work seem to meld together, and barring the advances in technology could be part of the same set of work.

    Rosler’s commentary on the obliviousness of Americans as to the war in Iraq (and previously the war in Vietnam) is perfectly captured in the smiling expressions and lack of acknowledgment by the models used in her work. Despite the violence going on behind them, or being showcased by them as in The Gray Drape, they continue to live their lives as they normally would. This is what we see in the real world. Many of us who don’t have family or friends in the war feel a disconnect from the war. Our lives are perfectly normal despite the violence that affects so many soldiers and so many people living in the Middle East. Of her decision to return to Bringing the War Home*Rosler says:

    I wanted to – even at the loss of some self-pride – to go back to something that I had done many years before in exactly in the same way, or as close a way as I could, to say ‘you know this work of mine now’ for those who did, I must return to exactly the same form because we have sunk back to that same level, of a kind of indifferent relationship to what our country is doing. I wanted specifically to evoke a mood and invoke a way of working, to say, “Tout la change, tout la même chose.

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    Projekt: Unsettling the Fragments (Erschütterung der Fragmente)

    Geschichte tut weh, auch Denkmale können darüber nicht hinweg täuschen. Das Bemühen, das Leiden zu vergessen, sucht nicht selten die Spuren des Vergangenen im Stadtbild zu verwischen oder auszulöschen. Martha Rosler dagegen fragt sich, warum sich Geschichte bruchlos darstellen muss? Charakterisieren nicht Widersprüche eine lebendige Stadtgesellschaft? Die amerikanische Konzeptkünstlerin möchte Perspektiven erweitern und überzieht Münster mit einem Memory.

    Sie inszeniert ein Wechselspiel der Architektursymbole – der Betrachter deckt ein Bild auf und sucht sein Pendant. Das Adleremblem des ehemaligen, unter der Leitung von Ernst Sagebiel 1935 errichteten Lufttransportkommandos der Wehrmacht (heute Lufttransportkommando der Bundeswehr), steht auch auf einem Masten vor den Münsterarkaden, entworfen von Josef Paul Kleihues – das Hakenkreuz in seinen Klauen wurde nach dem Krieg weggemeißelt. Die Käfige der Wiedertäufer finden sich an der Lambertikirche und an der Fassade der Stadtbibliothek. Im Botanischen Garten wächst ein Bambustunnel, der auch am Chor der Lambertikirche steht und die Besucher von dort zur Stadtbücherei leitet. Vom Militär zur Wirtschaft zur Kirche zur Kultur und zum Wissen: alle tragen mit ihren Fragmenten zum heutigen Stadtbild bei. Da sich die Arbeit über die ganze Stadt verteilt, hat Martha Rosler die Fassade der Stadtbücherei mit Infotafeln und einem Index aller Objekte und ihrer Standorte bestückt, die ihre Lesart der Stadt vermitteln.


    Martha Rosler orientiert sich in ihren Werken an konkreten politischen und gesellschaftlichen Themen und ihrer Kritik. Vergleichbar mit dem Engagement John Heartfields, der durch seine Collagen eine Kritik, wenn nicht gar Veränderung aktueller Politik erreichen wollte, zeigt Rosler z.B. in ihren Arbeiten „Bringing the War home/House beautiful“ die US-amerikanische Expansionspolitik in Vietnam und ihren Widerspruch zu den inneramerikanischen Lebensverhältnissen in den 1960er und 1970er Jahren. Früh schon greift sie virulente Themen wie Genderfragen, Rassismus und Klassensegregation in unterschiedlichen Medien, wie Video oder Installationen, auf. Ihre Methodik und Bildsprache entsteht in enger Auseinandersetzung mit der zeitgleichen Theorie in Philosophie und Soziologie. Rosler fertigt seit den 1960er Jahren auch eigene belletristische und theoretische Texte an. Mitte der 1970er Jahre verknüpft sie tagebuchartige Recherchen als Auspackerin in einer Fast-Food-Kette mit konzeptkünstlerischen Darstellungsformen. Diese Rechercheansätze gekoppelt mit ihrem Interesse an der Ästhetik und der Zugänglichkeit des öffentlichen Raumes führen später zu ihrem kuratorischen Projekt „If you lived here...“ (1989) über die Lebensbedingungen in New York im Zuge der Aids-Krise und der um sich greifenden Gentrification.

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    (Sheriff von Nottingham)

  2. #2
    SchwanzusLongusGermanicus Benutzerbild von ABAS
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    Standard AW: Women in Art: Martha Rosler - Erschuetterung der Fundamente

    Website von Martha Rosler:

    Martha Rosler works in video, photography, text, installation, and performance. Her work focuses on the public sphere, exploring issues from everyday life and the media to architecture and the built environment, especially as they affect women. Rosler has for many years produced works on war and the national security climate, connecting life at home with the conduct of war abroad, in which her photomontage series played a critical part. She has also published several books of photographs, texts, and commentary on public space, ranging from airports and roads to housing and gentrification.

    A retrospective of her work has been shown internationally, and her writing is published widely in publications such as Artforum, e-flux journal, and Texte zur Kunst. In 2012, she presented a new series of photographs, taken during her trip to Cuba in January 1981, and in November, she presented the Meta-Monumental Garage Sale at MoMA in New York. In 2013, her book of essays, Culture Class, which deals with the role of artists in cities and gentrification, was published by e-flux and Sternberg Press. Most recently, she produced the exhibition and public project Guide for the Perplexed: How to Succeed in the New Poland, currently on view at the CCA Ujazdowski Castle in Warsaw, Poland. Rosler lives and works in Brooklyn.

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    Martha Rosler Videos

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    (Sheriff von Nottingham)

  3. #3
    SchwanzusLongusGermanicus Benutzerbild von ABAS
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    Standard AW: Women in Art: Martha Rosler - Erschuetterung der Fundamente

    Martha Rosler - Semiotics of the Kitchen, 1975

    Martha Rosler - Vital Statistics of A Citizen, 1977

    Martha Rosler - Domination and the Everyday, 1978

    Martha Rosler - Living Together

    Martha Rosler - Losing: A Conversation with the Parents

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    Martha Rosler - Born to be Sold: Martha Rosler Reads the Strange Case of Baby M

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    (Sheriff von Nottingham)

  4. #4
    Mitglied Benutzerbild von Stättler
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    Standard AW: Women in Art: Martha Rosler - Erschuetterung der Fundamente

    Kitzekleine Nachfrage : Wer braucht diesen Scheiß ?

    95 % aller " Künstler " sind nicht mehr als parasitäre Lutscher .........

  5. #5
    SchwanzusLongusGermanicus Benutzerbild von ABAS
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    Standard AW: Women in Art: Martha Rosler - Erschuetterung der Fundamente

    Ein umfassender Ueberblick der Schaffenskraft und Werke der grossen Kuenstlerin:

    Martha Rosler, M.F.A., is an influential video, installation and performance artist. She was born on July 29, 1943 in Brooklyn, New York. Martha Rosler did her BA at Brooklyn College, graduating in 1965. She then obtained her MFA in 1974 from the University of California at San Diego. She has taught at the Städelschule, a contemporary fine arts academy in Frankfurt, and at Rutgers University in New Brunswick in New Jersey at Mason Gross School of the Arts. Martha Rosler is also an eminent writer on art and culture and is solicited to lecture both nationally in the US and internationally since at least the mid-1970s.

    In 2000 Professor Rosler’s oeuvre was the subject of a significant retrospective entitled “Martha Rosler: Positions in the Life World.” It was exhibited in New York at the New Museum and at the International Center of Photography, as well as in five European cities: Birmingham (England), Vienna (Austria), Lyon/Villeurbanne (France), Barcelona (Spain) and Rotterdam (Holland). A book under the same title accompanied the installation in which she clearly demonstrates her inter-related commitments: to bring about a form and expression of art that actively involves a public beyond the traditional boundaries of the art world, but also to examine the ideological, political, economic and social realities and especially how these dominate the everyday life of so-called ordinary people. She stated:

    I want to make art about the commonplace, art that illumines social life. I want to enlist art to question the mythical explanations of everyday life that take shape as an optimistic rationalism and to explore the relationships between individual consciousness, family life, and the culture of monopoly capitalism.

    Professor Rosler's essays have been extensively published in magazines and catalogs such as Grey Room, Artforum, NU, Quaderns and Afterimage. Her essay on photographic documentary In, Around, and Afterthoughts first written in 1981, was both subsequently republished and translated several times. It is about how people find meaning in photographs and the myths at work when there is a lack thereof. Her writings have also found their way to edited collections such as Women Artists at the Millennium (2006), published by MIT press. Over the years Professor Rosler has been the recipient of quite a few prestigious awards. In 2007 Martha Rosler received the Anonymous Was A Woman Award, then in 2006 she was the recipient of the Oskar Kokoschka Prize, Austria's greatest fine arts honor, as well as the Spectrum International Prize in Photography in 2005.

    Additionally, Martha Rosler published over ten books of art and photography. Some include: In the Place of the Public: Observations of a Frequent Flyer (1999), Paul Chan / Martha Rosler (Between Artists) in 2006, and the anticipated Decoys and Disruptions: Selected Essays 1975 - 2001, in 2004 and which was critically acclaimed. For example, as an instance amongst many others, Professor of Modern and Contemporary Art History at Barnard College, Dr. Buchloh wrote:

    "Rosler’s writings of the past three decades have acquired an unsought monumental status: they remind us of what it means to conceive of the artist as a public intellectual, as an activist, and as a critical voice in the cultural public sphere. They thus serve as emergency instructions: how activist practice could be resuscitated now, when it is needed most -- in the darkest moment of the near disappearance of public political consciousness."

    Because she was a pioneer in that she used different media and combined them in innovative ways, Professor Rosler was considered for a long time to be an underground artist. Martha Rosler’s work focuses on the public sphere as well as daily life, often addressing women's experience. Other concerns that keep coming up in her work include architecture, war, the media, housing, homelessness and even transportation systems. Even though Martha Rosler makes use of a variety of mediums, the ones she uses the most is photo-text and photo-collage.

    Martha Roseler’s work has been shown domestically in the US and internationally. Nation wide she has exhibited most at the Museum of Modern Art in New York; the Dia Center for the Arts in New York, Worcester’s Museum of Art. Martha Rosler together with a group of homeless people artists, city planners, architects, and students organized in 1989 the project “If You Lived Here...” The idea was to do what it could to address urban living conditions.

    Martha Rosler’s work has been shown almost all over the globe. 2008 brought the works of Martha Rosler to Edinburgh, Scotland. She showed work in Kassel, Germany in 2007. Her own personal book collection even started touring internationally in 2007 under the name “The Martha Rosler Library,” and premiering in New York city. About seventy five hundred books from her private collection temporarily became a public resource. In 2006 her oeuvre became a solo exhibition at the University of Rennes (France). “London Garage Sale,” one of her solo spectacles took place in 2005 at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London. In 2004 the Liverpool Biennial (England) and the Taipei Biennial (China) (both 2004) and in 2003 the Venice Biennale (Italy).

    Some of her most famous works are the pioneering videotapes, photo/text works and photomontages spanning several decades. These works of art deal with the geo-political dilemma's of dispossession and entitlement. “Bringing the War Home: House Beautiful,” is a photomontage that is concerned with the visually descriptive aspects of the Vietnam War 1967–72, which she re-iterated in 2004 and 2008 in the context of the War in Iraq. With “Body Beautiful, or Beauty Knows No Pain” the photomontage dealt with the representative photography of women. “The Bowery in two inadequate descriptive systems” (1974/75) is widely considered to be a pioneering departure in postmodern and conceptual photographic practice. Videotapes include the famous “Semiotics of the Kitchen” of 1974 and 1975, and in 1977 “Vital Statistics of a Citizen, Simply Obtained.” Some of Martha Rosler’s other noteworthy publications include interviews such as “Still here: An Interview” (2009) in Art in America *or *“Bringin’ it All Back Home” in frieze (2005). Or even simply “Interview with Martha Rosler” in the journal OCTOBER (1981).

    Articles in English include: “Post-Documentary?” in Fanny Knapp Allen Conference (1998) or “Money, Power, Contemporary Art” in Art Bulletin (1997). “The New Times Square” in SuperUmbau (1997). “Documentary, Realism, and Responsibility” in: Beyond Ethics and Aesthetics (1997). “Who's Protecting Whom?” in Plazm (1995). “In the Place of the Public: Observations of a Frequent Flyer” in Assemblage (1995). “Women in Russia–Representations and Realities” in Foto/foto (1994). “Women in Russia–Representations and Reality” in Postphotography (1994). “Place, Position, Power, Politics” in The Subversive Imagination: Artists, Society, and Social Responsibility (1994). “Negotiating New (His)tories of Photography” in Art Jounal (1994). “War in My Work” in Camera Austria International (1994). “Of Soaps, Sperm, and Surrogacy” in Discourse, Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture (1992-93). “Video/Multiculture” in Felix (1991). “Contribution to ‘Making Art, Making Money’” in Art in America (1990). “Matters of Ownership and Control” in Artist Trust (1990). “Brunch a la Loft” in Art Creating Society, Control (1990). “Image Simulations, Computer Manipulations: Some Ethical Considerations” in Women Artists' Slide Library Journal (1989). “American Art Scene After the Election” in F.Y.I. (New York Foundation for the Arts) (1989). “Contribution to ‘The Global Issue: A Symposium’” in Art in America (1989). “Teaching Photography: The Critical Issue” in New Art Examiner (1989). “Image simulations, Computer Manipulations: Some Considerations” in Afterimage (1989). “New U.S. Video: If It's Too Bad to Be True, It Could Be DISINFORMATION” in Artlink (1988). “Born to Be Sold: Martha Rosler Reads the Strange Case of Baby S/M” in Subjects/Objects (1988). “‘Video Art,’ Its Audience, Its Public” in The Independent. December (1987). “Martha Rosler Reads Vogue” in Profile (1986). “Always in Vogue” in Alternative Media (1986). “Always in Vogue” in Utne Reader (1986). “Contribution to ‘A Critics’ Forum’” in Art Papers (1985).

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    (Sheriff von Nottingham)

  6. #6
    SchwanzusLongusGermanicus Benutzerbild von ABAS
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    Standard AW: Women in Art: Martha Rosler - Erschuetterung der Fundamente

    Zitat Zitat von Stättler Beitrag anzeigen
    Kitzekleine Nachfrage : Wer braucht diesen Scheiß ?

    95 % aller " Künstler " sind nicht mehr als parasitäre Lutscher .........
    Verziehe Dich aus dem Stang Du Doofspammer!
    " Streicht die Kuechenabfaelle fuer die Aussaetzigen! Keine Gnade mehr bei Hinrichtungen!
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    (Sheriff von Nottingham)

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    SchwanzusLongusGermanicus Benutzerbild von ABAS
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    Standard AW: Women in Art: Martha Rosler - Erschuetterung der Fundamente

    Videodokumentation in 7 Teilen von Martha Rosler auf Youtube:

    Principles of Politics and Production

    Video 1 - 3

    Martha Rosler - Principles of Politics and Production, 2005 (1/7)

    Martha Rosler - Principles of Politics and Production, 2005 (2/7)

    Martha Rosler - Principles of Politics and Production, 2005 (3/7)

    " Streicht die Kuechenabfaelle fuer die Aussaetzigen! Keine Gnade mehr bei Hinrichtungen!
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    (Sheriff von Nottingham)

  8. #8
    SchwanzusLongusGermanicus Benutzerbild von ABAS
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    Standard AW: Women in Art: Martha Rosler - Erschuetterung der Fundamente

    Principles of Politics and Production

    Video 4-7

    Martha Rosler - Principles of Politics and Production, 2005 (4/7)

    Martha Rosler - Principles of Politics and Production, 2005 (5/7)

    Martha Rosler - Principles of Politics and Production, 2005 (6/7)

    Martha Rosler - Principles of Politics and Production, 2005 (7/7)

    " Streicht die Kuechenabfaelle fuer die Aussaetzigen! Keine Gnade mehr bei Hinrichtungen!
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    (Sheriff von Nottingham)

  9. #9
    SchwanzusLongusGermanicus Benutzerbild von ABAS
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    Standard AW: Women in Art: Martha Rosler - Erschuetterung der Fundamente

    Fotocollage von Martha Rosler auf der Dokumenta 12 in Kassel.

    Titel: Hothause (Harem)


    Documenta 12 / Martha Rosler / Hothouse (Harem)

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    Visual artist Martha Rosler talks about her work for NY Times

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    (Sheriff von Nottingham)

  10. #10
    SchwanzusLongusGermanicus Benutzerbild von ABAS
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    Standard AW: Women in Art: Martha Rosler - Erschuetterung der Fundamente


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    " Streicht die Kuechenabfaelle fuer die Aussaetzigen! Keine Gnade mehr bei Hinrichtungen!
    Und sagt Weihnachten ab! "

    (Sheriff von Nottingham)

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